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Qualities of a Human Rights Activist

posted in legal

With the world changing so rapidly, there are a lot of violations of human rights as well. With this knowledge, many people are also coming out to stand against all forms of abuse. People want to make the world a better place by condemning states that do not provide food and water, medical attention, and even against different races.

Activists are becoming popular in changing the world to a better place. While this is not an easy task, what qualifies someone as the ideal human rights activist?

Dream of Change

In most cases, you dream of change if you have become a victim of human rights violations. You won't dream of changing society so that other people will not go through what you have. It is right to say that the change of society to a better place starts in your mind. Because your mind plays back ugly and painful memories, you develop the urge to fight them hence dream of change—Read more at girlsandboystown.org.

Being a dreamer will push you to fight all obstacles in reaching your dream of a better life for others.

Against All Odds

Your dream is only safe in your mind. Once you start acting on and bringing it into the open, you are bound to fight against all odds. The same system that made you a victim of human rights violations is still active and even more potent.

This time, it will be your dream for change against their norm of dishonor. Remember that fighting against a system or organization alone is a mission impossible. Therefore, it would help if you presented your course to fellow activists asking them to join you in the fight for change.

Human rights activists are a comprehensive system and have many platforms for airing their views and concerns. For instance, patriciayunghannsauthor.com is about an author who also owns a YouTube channel for human rights.

The bottom line is, fight your fight as a team to overcome all odds and win. Be an activist with an excellent network to receive back up anytime, anywhere, and anyhow.

Develop A 'No Surrender, No Retreat' Mentality

Often, as a human rights activist, you will encounter tragedies in many ways. You are likely to get hurt, tortured, discriminated and even threatened. A real activist will allow time to heal and come back strong to declare a more vigilant war. Some of the tragedies you face may be fatal, but your course should go on.

Your zeal to pursue your fight for change even after a tragedy will attract a significant response and ear globally sooner than later, and your change will come. A calamity should not in any way make you drop and neglect your dream to win a better life for the helpless out there. Many of these weak souls stay hoping and believing that through you, their long-awaited change will come. Therefore do not lose the fight but rather stay the course.

So, do you think you got what it takes to be a human rights activist? While it's fulfilling in significant ways, it is not as simple as it sounds. But nothing beats the joy of seeing people live happily and in content from the fight you put on for the present condition.

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